Re Collective Invention

The boy in front was lifeless. Lifeless.

His eyes were dead. Without eyelids, the silvery flat eyes stared into the pitch-black air while the lip-less head fell apart to his shoulder. The vacant eyes were exactly resembling the pale, glass-like eyeball of a dead fish, stored in the refrigerator for a month. His eyes can become dull or glassy, perhaps losing his luster. He could tremble or twitch. He might, as you say, de-focus, focus on something invisible, or wander.

I could always relate him to a fish. 
Did I? I’m not sure. 
He can be other thing unrelated to fish. 
But if he had been a fish, he would be called a Cold Fish.

His body were also dead. It made no move. No, his body was always a little slow in reaction. It was only sometimes that he didn't react. And the shirt. The shirt was the most disturbing thing I ever seen. His baby pink t-shirt reminded me of an jellyfish captured from the deep ocean which can’t breathe since it’s now on land. It was a blatant his soul had been released, and all too soon. 
One question continued to race through my brain: Who did this?

"Who did this." I muttered.
In a sudden, the corpse rose. His bloodless lips whispered; saying,

“No one. I'm fine.”

After answer, his body fell back once again. So the dead man lay on my back, not far from the audience more than one feet, in a pool of light that almost dried and gave the room a sickly-sweet big applause. Like the sun, the stage light dried everything up - even my saliva. He was there. In the middle of pouring light.

Yes, he belonged there. Unlike me. My recollection of memory ends there. 

In fact, he was dead but also not dead. Nevertheless, he was a perfect stranger under the light shower. Even if he wasn't, playing the dead body, he slowly turned into a stranger. They dry thing there was only my saliva. Because I didn't belong there.

Clearly, “Belonging” is not a delightful word for me. When I saw the word, what comes to my mind first is not a memory of my home or dorm room. Instead, the word recalls the feeling that I don’t belong here. The stage is definitely the place that I feel uncomfortable with.
to be continued


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