30 Things About Me

1. Iced lime passion tea is my favorite Starbucks drink.
2. When I was young, I wanted to be a painter
3. I am a very capricious person
4. I have stage fright
5. I have a severe obsession with THE SCENE work, but I'm proud of it.
6. I enjoy shopping, especially when I face sth that I can solve. I get rid of stress by buying sth crazy/useless...
7. I'm in love with Ghent, Belgium and it is my dream place to live

8. I love traveling. When I was in middle school 2nd grader, I traveled Europe for 100 days as a backpacker. Ghent, Paris, and Prague were amazing.
9. I like to talk. The problem is that my voice is very louder than many people.
10. I need attention
11. I trust people easily. I depend on my friends a lot.
12. I love the flowers.
13. I have nearly no eyebrow.
14. 고추장 is my all-time favorite food. It suits well with bread, avocado, and etc.
15. When I feel bad, angry, or somewhat dangerous, I listen to "Rolling in the deep."
16. I know I seem like a lot, but I promise I'm worth it. (?)
17. My worst memory of my childhood is ...?
18. I hate my voice.
19. I played the clarinet since I was 7 years old.
20. I love tea.
21. When I became angry, I start cleaning.
22. I can spend countless hours organizing things so that it looks like the way I imagined.
23. I like to hang around the street (without a destination)
24. I have never used a cell phone before Vision trip
25. Gangnam Style song was my first Youtube video...
26. I privately watched Mona Lisa
27. Chronicles of Narnia is my favorite book. I read it more than 20 times.
28. Our family never had a TV.
29. My favorite font is 함초롬바탕.
30. I enjoy pop songs, but I think most of them have no value.


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